Comb 5.

Problem statement: Prove that n! = n(n-1) … (n-k+1) * (n - k)!


Proof of permutation rule:
Key observations:

Comb 4.

Problem statement: Find the largest n such that 2^n divides 100!


Comb 3.

Problem statement: How many trailing zeros in 103!


Comb 2.

Problem statement: GIven int n, find the number of divisors of n.


Comb 1.

Topic: Combinatorics

Problem statement: How many odd numbers with 3rd digit 5 between 20000 and 69999?


LT 3.

Topic: Proportionality I
Problem statement: It is 4 o’clock now. How many minutes will pass until the hands of the clock are coincident?


Key observations:

LT 2.

Topic: Proportionality I
Problem statement: It takes 3 days for 4 people to paint 5 houses. How long will it take
2 people to paint 6 houses?

LT 1.

Topic: Proportionality I
Problem statement:

Proof (*):


LT -> Logical Thinking
Alg -> Algebra
Comb -> Combinatorics
Geo -> Geometry
NT -> Number Theory

NT 1.

Topic: Number theory
Problem statement: Perfect numbers

A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors, excluding the number itself. For instance, 6 has divisors 1, 2 and 3 (excluding itself), and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, so 6 is a perfect number.

The Euclid–Euler theorem is a theorem in number theory that relates perfect numbers to Mersenne primes. It states that an even number is perfect if and only if it has the form 2^(p−1) * (2p − 1), where 2p − 1 is a prime number. The theorem is named after mathematicians Euclid and Leonhard Euler, who respectively proved the "if" and "only if" aspects of the theorem.

Sufficiency Proof

Necessity proof:

Alg 1.

Topic: Logarithms & exponentiation
Problem statement: Given a != c, a^x = c^q, a^z = c^y. Prove that xy = qz.
Key takeaway:
Think backwards & forwards (to prove that xy = qz, we need to extract the exponents. To extract the exponents, the base must be equal. Therefore, we have to construct either a^something = a^something else or c … etc.)